Sole To Soul Shoe Charity
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Sole To Soul Shoe Charity is a non-profit organization. We are devoted to providing new and gently used shoes to children in our community whose parents or guardians may not have the direct resources to provide. Sole To Soul Shoe Charity does not only provide shoes to children, but we like to think that we are providing smiles, hope and building self esteem in children one child at a time.

Sole To Soul Shoe Charity collects donations of new and used shoes as well as monetary donations from corporations, individuals, schools and faith-based organizations. To insure that children get what they need. We provide inner city schools and other organizations in which work with children the special  gift of a voucher. These vouchers are then given directly to the parents of that child. The parents can then bring the voucher to our warehouse  and get a pair of shoes for their child. If the parents have no transportation shoes can be delivered. Please contact us to make arrangements, click on the contact us link above and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We help families in Columbus and all over the world! 
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